


The bilingualism and its way
to expand learning

The desire to pass on his roots to his first child was the starting point for the creation of this book.

Raising a a bilingual child is challenging and requires dedication. This form of education depends on several factors, such as language exposure, resources, and parental instruction and involvement, which cannot be left out of this list.

The exposure of heritage culture helps child development, Aluska believes that passing on her roots and spreading different cultures is extremely important for social and psychological development in little humans. Along with that, her desire is to create resources that help them to face challenges in our world through reading.

Here are some reasons to teach your child a second language:

Cultural Identity

If you speak a mother language other than English, it’s a great reason to teach your children. This is part of your being and helps to form the person you are today!

Professional future

Knowing another language opens doors to many job and career possibilities.

Connection with family

If your family members only speak their mother tongue, this is a good reason to teach your child.

It's a gift!

The knowledge of a new language is a gift that your child will take with him for a lifetime. This learning will help to build their cultural identity, promote creativity and boost logical reasoning, essential skills for our society.

Skills development

Learning a second language strengthens cognitive muscles and deeply shapes the brain. In this way, various skills are developed such as memory, attention, focus and learning.

Become a Better You

Another language makes the child more open, tolerant and respectful of differences and other cultures.

Source: @bilingualclubpublising

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